Thursday, 5 September 2013

Race Day + Finishing the Build

So I've been trying to write this blog post for weeks now but I've been putting it off (like everything else in my life) so I have finally sat myself down and am not going to let myself open a new tab until it is done.

On the 24th and 25th of August we had our first real competition of the season.  The meet was on home ice with us Oval program skaters being the top of the group.  The competition wasn't super difficult and we were training right through it but I was still nervous and unsure of what would happen since I was coming out of a two month 'rough patch' of being exhausted and sick and couldn't actually remember the last time I finished a program on ice.
But I wore my lucky shirt to bed the night before so what could go wrong?
(I'm not even kidding this is an actual thing that I do)
All in all the competition went better than I expected. I'll admit that I started off a little hesitant but I finished second in almost every final (behind my training partner) and even managed to pull off a first in the last 1500.  The meet didn't mean anything but it did give me a little bit of a confidence boost which I carried into the final week of our training build.

Now I'm finally on recovery week (and sick again, ugh) but actually starting to look forward to training and racing which is a big turn around from how a felt just a few weeks ago.

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