Oh look a fun mid-week blog post! Olivia (
http://cookie--crumbles.blogspot.com.au/) nominated me for a Liebster blog award which is basically a little question tag. I'm supposed to write 11 random facts about me then answer some questions from Olivia and then make 11 of my own questions for the 11 people I nominate but since I don't even know 11 bloggers I think I'm going to skip that step (sorry, sidenote: hi other bloggers let's be friends).
Random Facts:
1. I was born 6 weeks early and only weighed four pounds
2. I've broken both of my legs (about a year and a half apart) one speed skating and one playing soccer
3. My little sister and my cousin both speed skate and my parents are both coaches so skating is really a family affair for the Morrison's
4. I'm in my fifth year of university and still have no idea what I want to do with my life
5. I have British citizenship because my dad was born there even though I've only been to England once (take me back!)
6. I've seen Taylor Swift in concert twice and it almost killed me that I couldn't go to the Red tour
7. I'm an English major (I'm running out of interesting facts)
8. I actively played the euphonium until I finished high school (and was actually pretty good)
9. I honestly can't even remember learning how to skate
10. I often wish I was a gymnast even though I did gymnastics when I was younger and wasn't very good
11. My favourite place in the whole wide world is our family cottage
11 Questions:
All time favourite...
1. Beauty product? I don't know if this counts but I am currently loving my Body Shop Camomile Sumptuous Cleansing Butter. I got it because I had a gift card and it is incredible for taking off makeup.
2. Clothing item? I have these beige pants from H&M that are higher waisted and skinny and I probably wear them anytime I go out anywhere and I've had them for so long that I can't even remember buying them ... are the from H&M?
3. Makeup brand? I wouldn't say that I have a favourite brand, I like different things from different brands.
4. Fashion label? Oh dear, I could pretend I know a lot about fashion and designers but I don't, I definitely don't know enough to have a favourite ... 80% of what I wear on a daily basis is from lululemon
5. Beauty blog? I'm not sure if people consider this a beauty blog but sprinkleofglitter
6. Celebrity crush? I have a lot of celebrity crushes but right now it's probably One Direction (all of them I don't even care) and/or Josh Hutcherson
7. Song? My favourite song of all time is probably Our Song by Taylor Swift it just doesn't get old
8. Singer/band? I honestly could not pick a favourite I listen to too much and on such a broad spectrum
9. Tv show/movie? Fave movie is The Sound of Music, it's amazing I will fight you on this
10. Book/Series? My favourite book series will probably always be Harry Potter but I think that my favourite stand-alone book is probably The Book of Negroes by Lawrence Hill (I just read it and it's incredible)
11. Food? I'm a big pizza fan ... don't tell my coaches